Last Spring I started doing a little trail building out at Swope and got slightly obsessed. Well last Saturday I went out for the first scheduled work day on Phase 3 and had a blast. Travis Stephens, Bryce Lawrence, myself and a few others made a beautiful gully crossing and benched some trail leading up to it and away from it. I have been out two more times this week for multi-hour bench cut sessions by myself. I am totally stoked on getting that trail done. So much so that I ignored the blisters that I earned on Saturday.
And after working today they look like this.
Don't worry I will be just fine. Next time you are out enjoying a ride through Swope Park Trails just think about all the volunteers who suffered to make that place so kick ass. I would go out and see if I could get down to bare bone working on the trails over the weekend. But alas, I am headed down to Arkansas to climb for the weekend. See ya suckas later.